Jan 28, 2020
There is so much to love about GloFX Heart Shaped Kaleidoscope Glasses! Each pair is made with durable frames that are bound to turn heads and make you the envy of your friends. In fact, when you’re rocking a pair of these PLURiffic glasses be prepared to get asked “Ohmygod where did you get those?!” as soon as you walk into your next big festival or event! Not only are these rainbow glasses stylish, but they also aide in the fight against Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). A portion of the proceeds of each pair sold will be donated to the Children’s Heart Foundation. Each year over 1,000,000 babies are born across the world with CHD, and it’s the leading cause of death due to birth defects in babies. So each time you slip on a pair, warm your heart with all the feels, knowing that you’re taking part in an effort to curb a worldwide epidemic, and helping to save children’s lives…one heart at a time. You won’t find these epic glasses anywhere else. Each of our glasses are exclusively designed and crafted by GloFX. Shop today and help save a life while you’re at it!
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